深圳零废弃 | 无毒先锋






2018年 5月 24日  在环保志愿者的举报下 ,江西省宜丰县工业园 长新电源有限公司内非法填埋的危险废弃物——铅渣,被挖出。7月环保志愿者再次前往该地,发现周围的农田被迫撂荒,地下渗出来的水pH值为3,显示酸性。该工业园中铅酸蓄电池基地附近村庄的儿童存在血铅超标的情况。

Be Aware of the Impacts of Lead Acid Battery Upon Paediatric Lead Poisoning

May 24th, 2018. Under the reporting of environmental volunteers, an illegal hazardous waste landfill in the Industrial Zone of Changxin Power Supply Company, Ltd, Yifeng County, Jiangxi Province , has been dug out. In July, the environmental volunteers headed to the place again, discovering that the surrounding farmlands was left uncultivated, upon which the leaking water has a pH value of 3, reacting acid. And, the children living in the surrounding village of the industrial Zone has diagnosed as Paediatric Lead Poisoning.  


2018年9月 无毒先锋通过抽样检测海产品——梭子蟹,发现无论在市场上卖的,还是在多家电商平台上卖的,都存在蟹黄重金属镉超标问题。针对此问题,深圳零废弃紧急致函电商平台,要求电商平台下架相关的产品以及希望电商平台能建立自查制度。目前电商平台已经把有问题的产品做下架处理。  

Sampling and Testing Swimming Crabs, None of Them are Qualified

September, 2018. Toxics-Free China (TFC) found that all samples of swimming crab that they collected from several E-Commerce platforms and a local seafood market contained high levels of cadmium, which also exceeded the limit set by national standard. To tackle with it,  TFC wrote letters to E-Commerce platforms in emergency, asking them to off-shelve the relevant products, as well as suggesting the platforms build up the self-inspection system. At present, the E-Commerce platforms have all off-shelve the identified problematic products.  



HKBU study: Sunscreen chemicals harm fish embryos and could pose risk to humans

A study by Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) has detected an extensive amount of sunscreen chemicals in seawater that could pose a risk to human health. The study, a world-first in identifying the harm caused by a combination of polluting chemicals in sunscreen, found the chemicals can cause abnormalities in and kill the offspring of zebrafish by entering the food chain 



Halloween Warning: Deadly Toxics in Deadly Vampire Teeth

October, 2018. Toxics-Free China  found that, in a supermarket chain store of Beijing, which aims to sell imported products, the Halloween promotional toys, i.e. plastic ‘zombie artificial teeth’, have the problems of exceeding the PAEs (Phthalates) and SCCP (Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins) standards. Among them, the PAEs contents have exceeded the national provided standard for 98.18 times, while the SCCP contents have exceeded the European Union REACH standard (since China hasn’t set the national standard yet) for 27.91 times.  



• 蟹肉中二噁英类 POPs 的总毒性当量(TEQ)为 0.0092-1.65 pg TEQ/g,平均浓度为 0.27 pg TEQ/g。黄(蟹膏)中二噁英类 POPs 的 TEQ 浓度水平为 1.3-15 pg TEQ/g,平均浓度是蟹肉中平均TEQ值的21倍。蟹肉中的二噁英和二噁英类 POPs 浓度均未超出欧盟标准,而部分蟹黄中的二噁英超出了欧盟 3.5pg TEQ/g 的标准,二噁英类 POPs 超出了欧盟 6.5 pg TEQ/g 的标准。

• 饲料中二噁英类 POPs 的 TEQ 值是大闸蟹的 0.85 倍,玉米、水草和水仅贡献蟹塘中 TEQ 输人的4.7%,不考虑生物过程,沉积物中 TEQ 输入是饲料输入的 77 倍。结论蟹塘中二噁英类POPs 的 TEQ 输人量高于其输出量,其中沉积物是大闸蟹中二噁英类 POPs 的主要贡献者。 

We Want to Eat Hairy Crabs that Do Not exceed the Dioxin Standard! 

August, 2018. Journal of Food Safety and Quality has published an article named ‘Study on Exposure Levels of Dioxin-like Persistent Organic Pollutants in Chinese Hairy Crabs’, in which the researchers found that, the total TEQ (toxicity equivalents) of Dioxin-type POPs among hairy crabs meat is 0.0092-1.65 pg TEQ/g, and the average density is 0.27 pg TEQ/g. The dioxin-type POPs among cream (crab sperms) has a TEQ density level of 1.3-15 pg TEQ/g, and the average density is 21 times higher than the average TEQ among crab meats. The dioxin and dioxin-type POPs’ density among crab meats haven’t exceeded the European Union standard, while the dioxin among some part of crab creams have exceeded the EU standard of 3.5pg TEQ/g, and the dioxin-type POPS have exceeded the EU standard of 6.5 pg TEQ/g. The TEQ of dioxin-type POPs in crab feeds is 0.85 times higher than that of the hairy crabs, while corns, sea weeds, and water only contribute to 4.7% of the TEQ input in crab ponds.  Excluding the biological process, the TEQ input of the sediments is 77 times higher than the input of the feeds. In conclusion, the TEQ output of dioxin-type POPs in crab ponds is higher than its input, among which, the sediments are the major contributors of dioxin-type POPs in hairy crabs. 

图 :全国垃圾焚烧厂空间分布(截至2016年3月) 

Graph: The Spatial Distribution of Waste Incineration Plants All Over China (Until March, 2016) 


最新研究发现,我国平均非致癌风险水平为 1.88×10-2, 远远低于最大可接受水平(非致癌风险水平≤1)。全国平均致癌风险水平为 5.71×10-6,比美国环保署定义的可接受水平高约5倍(致癌风险水平≤1×10-6)。该研究由南京大学和美国埃默里大学联合开展,研究结果发表在著名期刊《环境科学与技术》(Environmental Science and Technology)上。 

New Discovery: The Average Carcinogenic Risks of Incineration Plants in China is 5 Times Higher than the Acceptable Level

According to the new research finding, the average non-carcinogenic risks level in China is 1.88×10-2, much lower than the largest acceptable level (non-carcinogenic risk level ≤1). The average carcinogenic risk level is 5.71×10-6,  5 times higher than the acceptable level defined by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (carcinogenic risk level ≤1×10-6). The research is co-launched by Nanjing University and Emory University of America, and the results are published on the famous journal Environmental Science and Technology.  




 《印度时报》18年7月7日 讯:Aligarh Muslim University 和 King George's Medical University 的一项研究报告显示,家中超过五年以上的墙面涂料与儿童含铅量升高有着明显的联系 。他们发现,260名5岁以下儿童, 44%的体内检测到了铅的存在。 由此家中陈旧的油漆可能会造成儿童的铅中毒。  

Old paint can cause lead toxicity in kids: Study


每年全球共生产56万亿支香烟。这些香烟中的滤嘴——香烟蒂,绝大多数都是用醋酸纤维素制成的。这种塑料形式可能需要10年或更长的时间才能分解。根据创立了“烟蒂污染项目”(tobacco Butt Pollution Project)的诺佛特尼(Novotny)的说法,每年有多达三分之二的滤嘴被不负责任地扔掉。在连续32年的海滩清理活动中,烟蒂一直是世界上被收集最多的物质,在此期间,总共收集了6000多万件。

Plastic straw ban? Cigarette butts are the single greatest source of ocean trash



Orca 'apocalypse': half of killer whales doomed to die from pollution


2018年9月21日,《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》下设的持久性有机污染物审查委员会在罗马宣布,决定将PFOA(全氟辛酸)和PFOS(全氟辛烷磺酸)列入应被禁止的化学品名单中。PFOA是商业化学品特氟龙(Teflon)的一种成分,常用于制造不粘炊具、防水服装等, PFOS则是通常被用作泡沫灭火剂。以上两种物质均属于PFAS(全氟烷基物质)类化学品,是美国迄今最大的饮用水污染事故的主角。 

A Teflon chemical contaminating the drinking water of millions may soon be banned


乳腺癌预防合作伙伴的最新报告《知情权:在美容、个人护理和清洁产品中含有有毒的芳香类物质》中显示:“在测试的美容和个人护理产品中,芳香类化学物质占有毒化学物质的3/4。” 由此强制要求企业公开产品中的芳香类成分,并对全球的芳香类行业实施更严格的监管,迫在眉睫。  

Fragrance chemicals harm human health – consumer should know about them



14 cosmetic products found to contain poison


近日一款名为“今日习惯”(品牌名,韩语为오늘습관)的卫生巾,在韩国销售火爆。然而韩国金浦大学(Kimpo University)环境保健研究所通过检测发现此卫生巾含有一种致癌的放射物质,名为氡。 

특허 패치' 생리대서 '라돈' 검출…대진침대 검출량보다 많아 





