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随着全国两会推进,安全生产再度提上日程。据了解,自 2021年3月1日《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(十一)》正式施行,两会强调安全生产以来,多地开展了安全生产大排查。如今,安全生产问题一旦发生,其后果不仅仅是关停和吊销执照,涉事企业的负责人将面临刑事责任。全国各地升级了对安全生产的整治措施,其中危化品生产、运输再度成为检查的重点。

Local Policy: Chemical Production Safety Inspection in China with Penalty Consequences

With the promotion of the national two sessions,  production safetyis on the agenda once again. It is reported that since "The Amendment XI to the Criminal Law of the People`s Republic of China" came into force on March 1, 2021, and the two sessions emphasized production safety, a number of cities enhanced the effort of investigation on production safety. In the future, production safety accidents will not only lead to shutting down and revoking licenses, but the people in charge would face criminal liability. Cities across the country have upgraded the remedial measures for production safety, in which the production and transportation of hazardous chemicals became the focus of inspection.




An Explosion Took Place in One Paint Factory in Xindu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province

On March 19, an explosion took place in a paint factory in Shibantan Street, Shima Community, Xindu District, Chengdu, according to pictures provided by local residents, after the explosion, the accident spot had visible fire accompanied by black smoke. According to the news released by Chengdu Fire official weibo: a fire broke out in a factory in the first block of Shima community, Shibantan street, Xindu district. Chengdu Fire and Rescue Detachment dispatched forces at the first time to put out the fire, which was controlled within 40 minutes. The fire expanded for about 170 square meters. The cause of the fire, specific casualties, pending further investigation, we will also continue to pay attention to the official notification of the relevant departments.




“世卫组织对保护世界各地的公众健康具有高度的义务,并应立即向前推进,保障民众不受草甘膦的侵害。”美国自然资源保护委员会健康项目总监Erik Olson说,“与此同时,世界卫生组织应该绝对确保其专家评审小组成员不存在利益冲突,才能对食品上的除草剂和农药残留水平进行科学的评估,作出对人类安全的曝露水平建议。”今年早些时候,世界卫生组织的一个研究机构国际癌症研究机构(IARC),对除草剂草甘膦、杀虫剂马拉硫磷和二嗪农归类为“可能的人类致癌物”。该发现下一步将由WHO的另一个评估小组农药残留FAO-WHO联合会议进行评估。

Environmental Groups Urging WHO to Set Safety Standards for Glyphosate

"WHO has a great obligation to protect public health around the world and should move forward immediately to safeguard populations from glyphosate." Erik Olson, director of NRDC's health program, said, "At the same time, WHO should make absolutely sure that its expert review panel members do not have conflicts of interest in order to make scientific assessments of herbicide and pesticide residue levels on food and make suggestions on exposure levels that are safe for humans."In the early time of this year, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a research arm of the World Health Organization, classified the herbicide glyphosate, the insecticide malathion and diazinon as "probable human carcinogens." The findings will be evaluated by another WHO assessment panel, the Joint FAO-WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues.




WHO: Global Strategy for Digital Health 2020-2025

The digital transformation of healthcare can be disruptive; however, the Internet of Things, virtual healthcare, remote monitoring, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, blockchain, smart wearables, platforms, tools that enable data exchanges and storage, tools that enable remote data capture and data exchange, and the sharing of relevant information across the entire health ecosystem needed to achieve the continuum of care, which have been shown to improve health results by improving medical diagnostics, data-driven treatment decisions, digital therapies, clinical trials, medical self-management and person-centered care, and creating more evidence-based knowledge, skills and competencies for professionals to support healthcare, among other things.

This global strategy sets out visions, strategic objectives, action framework and implementation principles to advance digital health at the global, national and subnational level, which will help to create an international, connected digital health system that takes potential risks into consideration.



菲律宾的一个有毒物质民间监督组织发现更多市售的喷漆超出国家标准的铅含量,而根据该国法律,铅是一种限制用于生产油漆的化学物质。环保组织EcoWaste Coalition在一份声明中透露,13种含铅量在4500至56100ppm之间的喷漆被线下和线上零售商出售给不知情的消费者,公然违反了该国将铅含量限制在90ppm以内的含铅涂料法规。

“我们在新冠疫情期间进行的最新市场调查又查获了13种含铅量超标的喷漆,长此以往,这些喷漆会对健康造成严重危害。”环保组织EcoWaste  Coalition化学品安全宣传员Thony Dizon说,“政府需要立即行动起来,确保这些危险产品从市场上消失,并退回其供应商进行无害化处理。”这使得该组织发现的含铅气雾剂涂料总数达到50种,并提到其去年发现了37种违规产品,随后被当局取缔。这50种含铅气雾漆中,没有一种是菲律宾涂料制造商协会(PAPM)下属公司生产的。

Philippine NGO discovers more spray paints with dangerously high lead content

A toxics watchdog group from the Philippines has found more spray paints in the market that are contaminated with dangerously high concentrations of lead, a chemical forbidden in the manufacture of paints under the country's law.

In a statement, the EcoWaste Coalition revealed that 13 spray paints with lead content ranging from 4500 to 56,100 parts per million (ppm) are being sold to uninformed consumers by offline and online retailers in brazen violation of the country's lead paint regulation limiting lead to a maximum of 90 ppm." Our latest market investigation conducted amid the COVID-19 pandemic netted 13 more spray paints with exceedingly high levels of lead that can present a serious health hazard over time," said Thony Dizon, Chemical Safety Campaigner, EcoWaste Coalition. "The authorities need to act with dispatch to ensure that these dangerous products are removed from the market and returned to their suppliers for environmentally sound disposal." This brings the total number of lead-containing aerosol paints uncovered by the group to 50, noting its discovery of 37 violative products last year that were subsequently banned by the authorities. None of these 50 leaded spray paints was produced by companies affiliated to the Philippine Association of Paint Manufacturers (PAPM).
